Matt’s new ride.

Matt has always wanted a bike, but i wasn’t so sure about it i mean people die on those things all the time! Once we started talking about it more it didn’t seem like such a bad idea though… We ruled out the speed bikes because those to me are just asking for a speeding ticket… speeding=death.

We looked around for a while surfing Craigslist and finally found the perfect bike for matt and I. But how could we afford to buy a motorcycle??? So we sold matts car… Might i add this was his very first car and he was kind of attached to it but it was one or the other.


   Now that the car was sold the very next day we went to Purchase the bike, the only down side was he was signed up for the motorcycle class but did not yet have his endorsement to legally drive it. So his mean wife let him drive it home and that was it until the next weekend when he would get his endorsement.

Here is the Beauty


He was also 1 of 4 that actually passed the driving class he was stoked!


He was so excited to have his very own bike I don’t know if I have ever seen him quite as giddy over something I thought he was going to sleep with it the first night in the garage! ha ha

We got a smokin deal on some helmets off of amazon


For now im ok with him having a bike, it may change in the future when we decide to start a family but we shall see…

We are saving a ton on insurance and gas though which is a huge plus in my book!

He is a rain or shine biker dude now 🙂

About sweatforsanity

Just a girl trying to enjoy life and get fit at the same time. I have a handsome husband whom i was married to in 2011. We live in a small apartment in Oregon and are both currently seeking out our careers. We love the out doors and just about any sport.
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